Howell Public Schools is blessed with some of the finest certified educators in the business–classroom teachers, counselors,  and certified  library media specialists–all working in concert to provide the richest K-12 learning environment possible.

The school system in which they work serves an increasingly diverse population of students from mid Michigan families.

These teachers are not only qualified, committed professionals, they’re interesting and engaging people. Why not get to know them? Each month, the Howell Education Association selects and profiles a few of the many talents it takes to create a school system that is both welcoming and rigorous; a place where every student can find a comfortable channel to realize his or her full potential.

This is not an official publication of Howell Public Schools. Instead, it’s a forum created by the Howell Education Association to allow teaching colleagues to select, showcase and share some of the brightest colors from among the rich palette of professional assets that they’re all an essential part of.  Together, Howell Public Schools’ teachers continue to love the business and art of teaching, and they thought it was about time they publicly celebrated some of the good stuff.

Has one of these featured teachers directly enriched your life? Or are you, perhaps, a grateful parent or proud colleague? Please feel free to leave a comment telling our visitors how you feel. We’d love to hear from you.

–Jeffrey Hastings, school library media specialist, HWMS, and editor, Excellence in Education.

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